SAIT Abrasivi is a founding member of the SEAM program, a visionary framework dedicated to sustainability within the abrasive industry. After 60+ years of constant commitment to quality and safety in product and production quality and safety, SAIT looks to the latest frontiers.

A leading manufacturer of industrial abrasives, SAIT is proud to promote its membership of SEAM - Sustainable European Abrasive Manufacturers. An initiative created by FEPA (of which SAIT is also a founding member), it was launched in January 2020 and aims to stimulate continuous improvement amongst its members with the aim of working together for a better future.

With the understanding that the value of a "European Sustainability System" must involve all players within the supply chain, the objective of the SEAM program is to support and assist abrasive manufacturers on their way towards sustainable growth and sustainability improvements, primarily in production and distribution.

Requirements for acceptance to the SEAM program

To be approved into the program, the European plants of SAIT Abrasivi had to meet a series of minimum requirements, organised into three fundamental pillars of sustainability:

- Environment
- Labour
- Economy

Following this, the company had to commit to several evolving targets within the three core pillars - such as energy management, employee safety and business continuity - and work on improving its performance in each, reporting annually on its progress.

An abrasive community commitment

SAIT, alongside other key manufacturers, suppliers and distributors, has joined SEAM to contribute towards the setting of a European sustainability standard that holds industry accountable for its shared future. Identifying the right balance between environmental efficiency, production performance and labour safety - all pieces of a puzzle that betters the life of a community – is fundamental to fortifying the status of European companies within the world.

As we progress through the third decade of the 21st century, SAIT will continue to enhance its operations and processes in-line with the new announcements and requirements set out by this innovative program.

About SEAM

The Sustainable European Abrasive Manufacturers (SEAM) commit to continually improve their environmental, labour and production processes.

The SEAM program guarantees that SEAM members - all from within the abrasives supply value chain - manufacture, process, supply and distribute abrasives according to the sustainability standards with regards to environmental efficiency (waste, energy, resource), health and safety quality and innovative production processes.

SEAM website: 
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